Preserve the bounty of seasonal produce to enjoy later. Get inspired by age-old recipes that have been handed down over the years. Learn how to transform seasonal fruit and veg from your garden, allotment or the shops into delicious pickles and preserves using the magic of everyday ingredients such as salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, herbs and spices and age-old techniques and tips that have been passed down over generations.
Pickling and Preserving
Preserving and Pickling Seasonal Food
Pickling and Preserving
Course Prices
Skill Level
Following a recipe and an understanding of skills such as chopping, sautéing, baking is required.
Pickling and Preserving Course
1) Select no. of Persons attending, (Age Group) & available Date
2) Click on Time Slot that appears below the calendar
3) Click Book now button and checkout
From: £45.00
Our new class will show you how to pickle and preserve a variety of delicious produce. Learn how to capture the best of seasonal ingredients or to use up a surplus of lovingly home-grown fruit and veg. You will be learning all manner of useful tips and guidelines to ensure success with every attempt. We will make 2 varieties of pickles and one seasonal fruit compote or Jam which you will take home to enjoy.
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